Multi Module Music Player vender document This file provides information for shareware distributors and disk vendors who wish to distribute the "Multi Module Music Player" package. You are encouraged to distribute copies of "Multi Module Music Player", subject to the following conditions: 1) All files are distributed together and unaltered. 2) No charge is made for the software. (A small fee for media and handling is permissible.) 3) All those other than BBSes must notify Golden Weeds Project Co.,Ltd. of their intent to distribute "Multi Module Music Player". Suggested BBS or internet FTP or internet web site file name: MMMP10B4.ZIP Suggested 1-line description: High Quality module player. available MMM, XM, S3M, STM, MOD, ULT and MTM. Suggested Keywords: MMMP, PLAYER, MODULE, MUSIC, MOD, GWP Suggested brief program description: This is high Quality module player. This MMMP is running under windows95/Win32/NT. supported type is MMM, XM, S3M, STM, MOD, ULT and MTM. (C)Copyright by Golden Weeds Project Co.,Ltd. Suggested long description: This is high Quality module player. This MMMP is running under windows95/Win32/NT. available internet MIME-mail and WEB browser. supported type is MMM, XM, S3M, STM, MOD, ULT and MTM. (C)Copyright by Golden Weeds Project Co.,Ltd. This program is shareware. US$30.00 registration. Minimum Requirements: operation system: microsoft windows95/Win32/NT. video: 640x480x256 or upper. sound card: all of right working sound card on windows95/Win32/NT. CPU: Pentium 60MHz or upper. Memory: 16MHz or upper. Registration: US$30.00 (Plus $7.00 for shipping). or Japanese, 3,000 yen (Plus 500 yen for shipping) Registrants receive: 1) A registered copy of the latest regular version of "Multi Module Music Player" Author: Yukinori Yamasaki Golden Weeds Project Co.,Ltd. PeerageAOYAMA5-214 Machida-shi, Nakamachi4-9-8 Tokyo 194, JAPAN Phone:(+81)427-39-7672 FAX:(+81)427-39-7671 main home page: official release site: request & bug report :